On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 10:34 PM, Jc García <jyo.gar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2013/12/2 William Kenworthy <bi...@iinet.net.au>
>> You are looking far too deep ....
>> just rsync -avP to /newusr
> +1
> I have done this more or less the same way
>> reboot to livecd
>> rsync again with --delete to update ... takes a only few seconds this
>> time - minimal downtime :)
>> mv /usr /oldusr
>> mv /newusr /usr
>> reboot
> Let's make this thread more interesting, would it be possible to do
> this without a reboot? ie: going single user mode, kill anything that
> might still be running from usr,  umount /usr, mount it to /mnt, rsync
> -avP to usr, going again into runlevel 3 or 5.
> Obviously not possible if running systemd.

I'm not so sure it's not possible. Perhaps it's even easier.

If you do "systemctl isolate emergency.target" then remount /
read/write, do the move, and then again isolate multi-user.target or
graphical.target, I think is possible. I will try on a virtual
machine; is an interesting question. You would need to use absolute
pathnames when actually performing the move, but I think is possible.

Canek Peláez Valdés
Posgrado en Ciencia e Ingeniería de la Computación
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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