On Mon, 02 Dec 2013 22:24:35 +0200
Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> emerge -avuND world

/me slaps forehead.

Of course. :(

> Why 5.16.1? that is the lowest version that is ~arch; your next sync
> and update is going to want to upgrade it anyway.

Ah, well, I'm not running ~arch anywhere and so not sure why my public
server got 5.16.1 to begin. So, I'm just updating the development
machine to match.

> Lots of things have been moving around in perl land, modules moving
> into core etc etc. A proper world update takes care of all the
> necessary blockers.

Yes. Perl surely is a PITA for the distro to maintain.

> Or, seeing as you are going to remerge everything perl related anyway,
> you might as well just undelete everything perl-related (keeping an
> accurate list), and then merge the whole lot back

This kind of on-the-side bookkeeping is exactly what I'm trying to
avoid. But I do get your point. ;-)

Looks like I'm good to go, as perl is updating and perl-cleaner --all
after the fact should be fine, I'm guessing. And if not, I know what
I'm in for, mostly.



- Michael

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