Hi all,

This was discussed within a couple of threads in the last few months, but I wanted to ask for final clarification before I go ahead with this (yeah, I know, 'paranoia will destroy ya')...

I'm not afraid of an initramfs any more, but I've decided that I still just really don't want one, so I'm looking for the safest & simplest way to merge my separate /usr back into /.

The only thing I'm really unsure of is the optimal method and exact syntax (ie, trailing slashes? arguments?) for the actual copy of /usr.

Is rsync -a enough for my relatively simple system setup, or would using any or all of the other options suggested in those threads be safer/better? Specifically:

-a, or -axAHX, or -apogXx, or -PvasHAX

or should I go with a combined -apogsvxAHPX ?

So, here's the plan, please check me...

1. Boot off of the latest gentoo LiveDVD

2. Mount / and create new /usr directory

mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/gentoo/
mkdir /mnt/gentoo/usr

3. Mount old /usr to be moved/merged

vgchange -a y
mount /dev/vg/usr /mnt/gentoo/oldusr

4. Copy /oldusr to /usr

rsync -a? /mnt/gentoo/oldusr/ /mnt/gentoo/usr/

Are the trailing slashes required/important/necessary?

Which arguments should I use?

5. Edit /etc/fstab and comment/remove the /usr line

nano -wc /mnt/gentoo/etc/fstab

#/dev/vg/usr       /usr        reiserfs        noatime         0 0

6. Unmount mounted filesystems

umount /mnt/gentoo/oldusr
umount /mnt/gentoo

7. Reboot into new system


I'm pretty sure that:

1. There is no need to chroot into the real system during this process,


2. I only need to mount / and the old /usr, no need to mount anything
   else (/proc, /sys, /var, /home, activating swap, etc)



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