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On 11/14/13 18:48, James wrote:
> hasufell <hasufell <at> gentoo.org> writes:
>>>> I have often had a hard time to get some random users comment
>>>> on certain packages or even assist on some runtime tests. I
>>>> don't even know how many people use the package I maintain.
>>> When a new package is installed or upgraded, there are notes
>>> that the installer is optioned (and notified upon installation)
>>> about the package.  Might it be a good idea to put your testing
>>> pleadings in the notes for those how install the package
>>> (stable, testing, experimental or overlay) about how to contact
>>> whoever related to the specific testing you want done? I. E.
>>> "eselect news" or is this a bad idea?
>> I think people will not like having that in eselect news. There
>> could be a similar thing like:  eslect test-requests but the
>> question is if that will get bloated and other stuff I'm not sure
>> about.
> Other than news, folks will not read it. As long as the
> announcement is short!: TESTERS_WANTED (url to details), then you
> hit the specific group, actually using the software; responding
> because they care. It affects them directly. Futhermore, they can
> quickly become the best testers, because most will use the target
> package, frequently.
>> The easiest thing I can think of is a project site on our wiki
>> which would also point to relevant bugs. Then again... who really
>> wants to maintain that.
> This approach will fail, because it is a blunt instrument. Too many
> will get the managerie of info about things they can little for
> (zippO)....
>> All other ideas are even more advanced. I wonder if we could add
>> a keyword on bugzie like REQUSERTEST... so bored users could
>> easily get a list of such bugs. But who would really use that?
> Bugzilla is a wonderful, but BLUNT instrument, hence few bother
> with filling bugs.   Gentoo devs are very picky about what get's
> filed so for Gentoo issues, FOCUS on where the actual users can be
> reached, with a focused message, imho. I. E. request testers from
> the pool of folks that actually install a given package. Ya don't
> have to get folks to test things like portage, cause we all use it
> and care about it and bitch about it (that is until Zac took it
> over and slaid the deamon_portage.
> A given ancillary package usually has few users, so find a way to 
> communicate with those packages_installers as the pool for
> potential testers, with whatevery instrument you like.
> Mathematically, blunt instruments fail more than 99% of the time,
> particularly the tigher the desired end result is.......
> Besides, most do not read the ebuild notes availabe in the 'eselect
> news', imho.

A seperate mailing list?

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