On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 02:49:54AM -0500, Dale wrote:
> Pandu Poluan wrote:
> >
> > Personally, I think all you need to do is to ensure that the kernel
> > has all the drivers it needs to speak to the new mobo. Other members
> > of the @world set relies on the drivers in the kernel.
> >
> > But I don't use any GUI or audio; if you're using a GUI and/or audio,
> > you might also have to re-emerge the relevant bits.
> >
> > BSTS: just re-emerge @world :-)
> >
> It uses the same audio chip so that should be OK but that is something
> that I hadn't thought of tho.  I have a seperate video card which will
> be moving over as well.  So that *should* work.  We hope.
> I'm hoping this will be as painless as I hope it will be.  I just got to
> remember how to hook the drivers up.  Especially the first one.  I
> certainly want sda to be correct.  ;-) 
> Thanks.  You thought of something I hadn't thought of.
> Dale
Run "blkid" on your present mobo, and you will see where your filesystem(s)
are located in regards to /dev/sd{a,b,c,d}.

When you plug your SATA drive(s) to your new mobo, look for labels on the mobo
to indicate SATA{1,2,3,4,5,6} or whatever. Generally they are going to use sda
on 1, sdb on 2, etc. What can throw that off is the ATAPI drive (DVD/CD). I'd
put it on the highest SATA#, at least for that first boot.

Also look at your /var/log/dmesg output. NB: "less /var/log/dmesg" is NOT the
same as "dmesg". Do the former and it will show you only that part from boot
to Linux login (or whatever).

As previously stated, be sure to have all the drivers you need built into your
new kernel. You may or may not be able to ascertain that w/out the board in
your possession. You can look it up by make/model on
http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/ but they are using an old kernel, therefore,
caveat emptor. One way you can check that is to boot with SystemRescueCd
first, select their kernel version closest to the one you'll be using, and run
"lspci -k" from it. If you don't have something you need in your kernel, go
ahead and chroot into the new system.

I've moved stuff around like this...sold the wife's computer sans hard drive a
few weeks ago, and it booted fine. So long as you have the new board's / fs
and it's controller built into the new kernel, you'll get into the system.
>From there you can "make nconfig" on the running kernel and change/add
whatever you missed.

Don't forget that grub (if you use it for bootloader, not just fishing), has
an editable line when you boot up. So if /dev/sda1 is not valid, edit it and
try booting with /dev/sd{b,c,d}1 or whatever until you get it. Then once
you're into the system, you can change it.

Trivial, Homie! Call if you need help...you have my number. :-)
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