Am 01.09.2013 19:30, schrieb Canek Peláez Valdés:
> I am following vanilla-sources in all my machines, which is what
> people like Greg Kroah-Hartman actually recommends [1][2]. Since they
> are now never stabilized [3], this means that I need to update them
> pretty regularly to keep them safe.
> This implies that I have to change the /usr/src/linux symbolic link,
> configure the kernel using make oldconfig, compile it, install it,
> install its modules, reemerge any package that provides kernel modules
> (if any), regenerate its initramfs, regenerate the GRUB2 config file
> OR adding a new entry in GRUB.
> None of this steps are particularly difficult, but any mistake in one
> of them can result in an unbootable system. So I wrote a little script
> that takes care of each of this steps automagically:
> So now everytime I need to use a new kernel version, I only do:
> # eselect kernel set <new-kernel>
> # kerninst
> Everything is done by the script.

Canek, how to handle changing configs?

AFAI understand I do:

eselect kernel set x
cd /usr/src/linux
make menuconfig
(SAVE .config)
cp .config /etc/kerninst/kernel-config

... right?

I am currently struggling with a kernel not showing /dev/kvm ... and
toggling kvm_amd on/module ... etc

Thanks, Stefan

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