On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 01:00:06AM +0200, Volker Armin Hemmann wrote
> Am 30.09.2013 00:06, schrieb Walter Dnes:
> >   * Everybody's single-NIC machine came up with eth0 for AGES, until Kay
> >     Seivers broke udev.  And calling the new setup "predictable" is
> >     George Orwell 1984 doublespeak.  Let's see you walk up to an unknown
> >     machine and "predict" what the NIC is going to come up as.
> and you could predict with the old setup?
> If think these new names are as stupid as it gets, but I had enough pain
> in the past with multi-nic boxes shuffling eth0, eth1, ethn+1...
> randomly on reboots. That was fun.

  If the udev people had made "net ifnames=0" the default, and allowed
the small percentage of multi-nic machine admins to set "net.ifnames=1",
this would not have been an issue.  Some corner case exotic setups
require complex solutions... no ifs/ands/ors/buts.  All the complaining
you hear is from the other 99% who's setup worked just fine with the
simple solution, suddenly finding the complex solution rammed down their

> >   * Separate /usr worked fine for AGES, until... Do you see a pattern
> >     developing here?
> >
> seperate /usr has stopped working fine AGES AGO. Just some setups were
> lucky enough not to stumble over the wreckage and fall into the shards.

  I.e. the 99% who don't need initramfs before today.  Some corner case
exotic setups require complex solutions... no ifs/ands/ors/buts.  All
the complaining you hear is from the other 99% who's setup worked just
fine with the simple solution, suddenly finding the complex solution
rammed down their throats.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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