On 2013-09-28 12:01 PM, William Hubbs <willi...@gentoo.org> wrote:
There is no reason to rebuild your server; we aren't telling you you
have to merge /usr into /. The only thing we are saying is that you will
need to use an initramfs if you are going to keep them separate.

Which, if you even bothered to read the words in the posts of the people who are pushing back on this so much as to their specific *reasons* that this is a problem, is the whole point...

I am reasonably good at following instructions, but I am paranoid when it comes to researching before doing something that has even a remote potential for breaking one of my systems - and the horror stories I've read involving the whole initramfs deal just makes it clear that it is just one more single point of failure that has a very GOOD chance of breaking every time I upgrade my kernel or certain critical USERLAND tools (like LVM) (I do NOT use genkernel or dracut and I do NOT want to have to START using them), I update them manually, and I'm comfortable with that.

I have said more than once in these threads that I do *not* have a philosophical (or other) reason for wanting to keep them separate, so, my ONLY other choice (if I want to stick with gentoo, which I do) is to merge /usr back into /.

I've been told that this shouldn't be a big deal... while I am a (barely) passable linux sys admin - I am NOT a programmer, I do NOT know how to interpret vague boot errors or TRACE a process to see where or why it is failing (much less fix it if I could), so if something breaks badly, I'll be like a fish out of water...

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