Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Sat, 28 Sep 2013 17:15:41 -0500, Dale wrote:
>> Neil Bothwick wrote:
>>> Mandrake used an initrd, not the same as an initramfs, which is
>>> directly supported by the kernel.
>> Whichever.  Same shoes, different color is all.
> Read the kernel docs on initramfs, you'll then understand that this is
> not true.

Point is, they are the same to me.  Both stand between grub and the
kernel and add yet one more point of failure.  I'm not going to nitpck
on the difference between them since I view both in the same way. 

>>> Good luck trying to find something else that doesn't use an init*.
>> Thing is, those others are a LOT faster to install.  Heck, I got
>> Mandrake down to like 30 minutes from booting CD to booting off the hard
>> drive and logging in and that was a COMPLETE install too.  I installed
>> Kubuntu for my brother and while not Gentoo, he doesn't have issues. 
>> Kubuntu takes care of the init thingy, NOT ME.  If it did break,
>> reinstall and go back to surfing.  It fails on Gentoo, I'm stuck.  I'm
>> installing something and it won't be spending a good day to two days
>> installing Gentoo.
> Except you can never break Gentoo with a kernel update because, unlike
> some other distros, installing a new kernel does not uninstall the
> previous one. No matter how badly wrng a kernel update goes, you can
> always hit reset then select the old one from the GRUB menu -
> reinstallation doesn't come into it.

Provided that the old one works tho right?  What if I update and it
breaks more than one thing?   Then what? 

Again, if I can't boot, I can't get help fixing it.  If I can't fix it,
I'll fix it by installing something else.  That decision has already
been made when this mess started a LONG time ago. 

>> It seems folks think I just don't like new stuff.  I don't mind new
>> stuff.  I use new stuff quite often.  I just don't like using stuff that
>> breaks, switching to something else to get away from it, then turn right
>> around and have the same broken junk thrown back at me.
> Except it's not the same. How long ago did you switch? You've been around
> here for a while, I suspect your Mandrake experience with with a 2.4
> kernel, which didn't have initramfs available, and initrd. The 2.6
> kernel's initramfs was developed to address the problems with initrds.
> This isn't even as close as comparing apples and oranges.

To ME, a init thingy is a init thingy.  That's why I call them all init
thingys.  To ME, both are apples.  One may be green and another red but
both are still apples. 

>> I'm sure I can find something that
>> will boot in somewhat short order.  Question is, what will it be?
> vmlinuz.old :)

Most likely, I'll install Kubuntu to start.  Then I may roam around and
test other distros until I find one I like.  Thing is, I already have a
starting point. 


:-)  :-) 

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or how 
you interpreted my words!

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