Bruce Hill wrote:
> mingdao@workstation ~ $ eselect news read
> 2013-09-27-initramfs-required
>   Title                     Separate /usr on Linux requires initramfs
>   Author                    William Hubbs <>
>   Posted                    2013-09-27
>   Revision                  1
> Linux systems which have / and /usr on separate file systems but do not
> use an initramfs will not be supported starting on 01-Nov-2013.
> If you have / and /usr on separate file systems and you are not
> currently using an initramfs, you must set one up before this date.
> Otherwise, at some point on or after this date, upgrading packages
> will make your system unbootable.
> For more information on setting up an initramfs, see this URL:
> Due to many upstream changes, properly supporting Linux systems that
> have /usr missing at boot time has become increasingly difficult.
> Despite all our efforts, it already breaks in some exotic
> configurations, and this trend is likely to grow worse.
> For more information on the upstream changes and why using an initramfs
> is the cleanest route forward, see the following URLs:

I'm hoping that since I use eudev, I don't have to worry about this.  If
I do, this could get interesting, again. 


:-)  :-)

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