Since the downgrade fixed your issue idk... but, what does your authorized_keys 
look like? Also, move or chmod 0 your config to make sure nothing funny is 
happening there. 

"Stefan G. Weichinger" <> wrote:
>Am 18.09.2013 19:47, schrieb Joe Nyland:
>> Not sure why a downgraded openssh would improve things for you if
>> this is the issue, however I faced the same issue as yourself and it
>> was caused by mDNS trying to do a reverse lookup on the host
>> connecting in to the affected server, ultimately causing the SSH
>> connection to hang.
>> Check that the order of sources on the hosts line of you
>> /etc/nsswitch.conf[1] file on the server that you are having issues
>> _connecting to_, not the desktop that you're connecting from.
>> Mine is:
>> `hosts:          files dns mdns4_minimal mdns4`
>> Note `dns` is before `mdns4`.
>> [1]
>Thanks for your feedback.
>The server doesn't have mdns in there, just:
>hosts: files dns
>(which hasn't been changed in years, I am quite sure).
>So you suggest that the contacted server wants to know which FQDN the
>contacting IP points to?

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