Thomas Mueller <> wrote:

> On the issue of whether ZFS can be shipped with the Linux kernel, FreeBSD 
> includes ZFS with the kernel, binary and source.
> So does that mean it would be OK for Linux too?
> FreeBSD has a different license (BSD) than Linux (GPL 2 or 3).

For FreeBSD, things are less easy than for Linux.

FreeBSD comes with a license that gives real freedom and the CDDL
being copyleft, is a license that intentionally limits the freedom a bit
in order to achieve other benefits.

The GPL limits freedom in a way far beyond what the CDDl does.
Adding code (ZFS) that gives more freedom than the base project (Linux) 
is easy...

It however was a real challenge for me to convince the FreeBSD people in early 
2006 to add something to their code that reduces the freedom of the FreeBSD
project. I succeeded because I could explain them that ZFS is not code that is 
_needed_ in order to run FreeBSD - you just could use their UFS variant instead.
The same arguments worked for integrating DTrace into FreeBSD.


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