On 08/23/2013 08:09 PM, Yuri K. Shatroff wrote:
> On 23.08.2013 19:58, hasufell wrote:
>> On 08/23/2013 05:48 PM, Marc Stürmer wrote:
>>> Am 23.08.2013 12:50, schrieb the:
>>> [ ... ]
>>> The point for Skype, last time I am going to repeat that, is that it
>>> works out of the box for the normal user and the large user base.
>> And that is still wrong. If it works for you, fine. There are enough
>> users who have a LOT of trouble with it. Again: read the bugtrackers,
>> I do.
> (Again, I'm not a skypodefender in any way)
> Please recommend us a bugtracker for an actively developing software
> which has, well, considerably fewer bugs. (Add to this: multiplatform,
> multiuser, network-based etc)

I was talking about crash and segfault bugs in specific.
Check the xfce bug tracker if you need an example for a rather well
maintained piece of software compared to skype.

>> And even better: you cannot file bug reports properly (at least from
>> what I see the skype jira is gone) and cannot read/fix code.
>> You are lured into believing it's a good piece of software that works
>> out of the box, because all they do is good advertisement and increasing
>> their userbase with some shiny features. Even worse: distro maintainers
>> have trouble with it, need to apply hacks or don't even include it at
>> all because of the nasty license. How does that improve "out-of-the-box"
>> experience?
> Your view is simply different from the view of most software users. A
> "good piece of software" for them is not what is well-coded or
> well-maintained or well-licensed or well-whatever. All they need is
> matching their expectations. You may be 146% correct about troubles and
> hacks but this doesn't change the average joe's expectations. And yes,
> in most situations skype does work out-of-the-box. Sad, but true.

Repeating it and ignoring the troubles people have throughout distro
forums and bug trackers will not help you prove your point.

>> Next you will tell us windows works out of the box.
> It does, in most situations. Sad, but true.

That is simply not true. It doesn't even come with most of the needed
hardware drivers. There is almost nothing pre-installed. Getting
programs is complicated.

It seems to me you don't really understand what "out of the box" means.

>> I mean, wtf are you talking about? It doesn't make any sense. And
>> doesn't even add anything to this topic.
> That's all about off-topic.
> But not acknowledging the truth doesn't add anything either.
> Do people hate Windows or other proprietary stuff because of its bugs?
> Or because of its not working OOTB? In my experience, I'd probably
> number a thousand more times of open-source software not working OOTB
> and being buggy than Windows/etc. But I still adhere to OSS.
> I don't think that having an 'ideal' piece of proprietary software would
> change an open-source adept's mind towards PS. But neither I think that
> emphasizing PS' problems which are common to all software will help
> people turn to the open-source side.

opensource often sucks if there is no one professionally working on it,
as in: get's money

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