On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 01:54:26AM -0500, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote
> No, the kernel has a mini filesystem (doesn't matter which directory
> structure has inside), and it executes the init script (or binary
> program) in the root of the initramfs. This init program/script is the
> responsible for mounting the real root and other partitions, and
> handling control over to systemd (or OpenRC, or whatever).
> Dracut is able to create an initramfs (with the systemd Dracut module)
> that executes systemd inside the initramfs, which mounts /usr,
> switches to the real root, and gives control to the "real" systemd
> instance. At shutdown, the reverse happens: the "real" systemd
> surrenders control to the initramfs systemd, it umounts everything,
> and finish the shutdow process.

  A possibly stupid question from a non-user of initramfs...  why not
simply treat the initramfs as "the real system"?  This would avoid the
hand-off to a second fs at start-up, and the reverse process at
shutdown.  There would be no need to worry about keeping files synced in
2 different locations, because there would only be one location.  If
necessary, one could use UnionFS http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unionfs to
make the hard drive and userspace stuff all look like part of the

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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