On 8/19/2013 21:55, Joseph wrote:
During upgrade a got a message:
!! The following installed packages are masked:
- dev-lang/python-3.1.5-r1::gentoo (masked by: package.mask)
# Michał Górny <mgo...@gentoo.org> (07 Aug 2013)
# These outdated versions of Python are no longer updated or maintained
# properly. Python 2.5 started to become a blocker for Python 3.3.
# Python 3.1 has proved to become unfriendly to writing portable code.
# PyPy is still experimental and we're in process of bringing 2.1.
# The remaining packages are backports of functions that targeted only
# the very specific version. The masked packages will be removed
# in 30 days. Afterwards, ebuild and eclass support for those
# implementations will be removed. Bug #480070.
My default is set to: python2.7 *
Should I remove manually python-3.1.5-r1
You'll want to check which version of Python provides the 3.x system as
well. Just do `eselect python list --python3`. If python3.1 is shown
with a *, you need to make sure Python 3.2 is installed (@world updates
will take care of that, or emerge python:3.2). Then `eselect python set
python3.2 --python3` and then `python-updater`