On 2013-08-19 9:36 AM, William Kenworthy <bi...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
I rather suspect that they are going after the cloud/VM market ...
having VM's boot quickly and simply along with no desire/need to fault
find and repair ... just rm it and spin up another instance.

Nothing to 'suspect'... they have made it very clear that that is precisely where this (systemd) is coming from.

It makes sense in that market ... what doesn't is pushing it into areas
that are not appropriate and people dont want it.

Exactly, and exactly.

I still have not seen an adequate explanation as to why systemd isn't a
profile as its far more intrusive than a gnome/kde choice and they have
profiles.  That way some bad choices like polluting systems with systemd
files because they are only small and insignificant might be avoided.  I
have used the mask method but did waste some time on chasing down odd
errors due to missing file errors in the logs so I would rather not have
them on the system at all.

So why not a profile so those guys who want to play can get a
configuration that better suits them?

I have to say that makes the most sense to me...

Would love to hear *rational* comments from the systemd purveyors as to why this shouldn't be done.

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