On Thu, Aug 01, 2013 at 08:41:56AM +0200, Michael Hampicke wrote

> You can use march=native on your gentoo hosts, that's no problem, as
> long as you don't use it on your guests. That's the hole idea of VMs:
> being able to move the virtual machine to another machine, that might be
> completely different in terms of hardware. The goal is, to be machine
> independent.

  I want to clarify one item, so please pardon me if it looks like I'm
asking the same question over again.  Assume that I launch QEMU with
"-cpu core2duo" and set "-march=native" in the guest's make.conf.  My
understanding is that the gcc compiler on the guest will see a core2duo,
not the physical i5 cpu on my desktop.

  We may be looking at different ways of doing the same thing.  You're
suggesting "-march=core2" in the guest's make.conf.  I'm suggesting
"-march=native" in the guest's make.conf, which would pick up the cpu
type that QEMU sets (cor2duo).  I'm trying to make things simpler, by
only having to specify the cpu type once, on the QEMU commandline, and
leaving gcc to adapt to the QEMU-specified cpu.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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