On Tue, Jul 30, 2013 at 07:48:19PM -0400, Michael Orlitzky wrote: > On 07/30/2013 02:16 PM, hasufell wrote: > > And we need MOAR devs > > > > http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/devrel/handbook/handbook.xml?part=1&chap=2 > > https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Gentoo/Staffing_Needs > > > > so awesome! srsly! > > > > What many people don't seem to get is: you don't need to be a commit > > monkey doing your 100+ commits per week. > > Our minimum rate of commits is pretty low before you actually are forced > > to retire. > > > > Better have a lot of devs each one focussing on a few packages than > > having few devs working on the entire tree and messing up things randomly. > > > > It's not that much work, just some regular attention. You want to join! > > > > (old rant) > > I would like to become a developer. I already proxy maintain a few > packages, and have a few more in sunrise that I could take care of. I > could also triage bugs in my spare time. > > But, there's no process to do so. > > I want to become a dev, what's my next step? There is none. Help out, > and maybe someone will notice you? Ok, I'm on it. Been doing it for > years, and I know several other people in the same situation. It doesn't > work, and recruitment numbers are plummeting. > > There needs to be an explicit, documented process. And someone devoted > full-time to mentoring new recruits. I can think of no better long-term > investment of the foundation's money.
Let me second this post. Some months ago after much prodding by someone high up in the Gentoo organization, I tried to take the $PATH. Michael's post above is, IMO, _very_ kind considering what I went through. In the middle of my _tests_ the whole system broke down. For 7 years before coming to Gentoo I was with Slackware. Never wanting any public recognition, most of my patches just went straight to the #2 guy. Pat did sometimes name me in ChangeLogs, but mostly I was allowed to contribute in the background. Gentoo could use an overhaul, especially in the area of communication skills, _most_ especially for those devs whose first language is _not_ English. Just my 2c ... no time atm anyway ... RL demands me to make $ for bills. Don't take my quick, casual comments as criticism of Gentoo as a GNU/Linux distro. For those who have some knowledge, it's far and above the best! But the foundation needs to take a look into revamping this area. Cheers, Bruce -- Happy Penguin Computers >') 126 Fenco Drive ( \ Tupelo, MS 38801 ^^ supp...@happypenguincomputers.com 662-269-2706 662-205-6424 http://happypenguincomputers.com/ A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text. Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing? A: Top-posting. Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail? Don't top-post: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Top_post#Top-posting