On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 06:40:02PM +0200, Florian Philipp wrote:

> >> Windows compatibility is not a must, but a nice-to-have. That would reduce 
> >> my
> >> remaining choices to ExFAT, I presume.
> > 
> BTW: What's the Linux status on that one?

Well, the German Wikipedia says that a stable 1.0 came out in January.
It’s “only” a FUSE fs, but so is NTFS. I’ll do some testing with it.

> > That's how I see it too.
> > 
> > I used to use ext4 for external media but quickly found that my notebook
> > was the only box that could use them...
> Isn't group id 100 defined as the users group on most Linuxen nowadays?
> chgrp 100 $mount && chmod 2777 $mount

That still leaves UID.  I want it to “just work”[TM] and never encounter
any problems when I can least use them, and never have to check any file

> should work reasonably well.
> Regards,
> Florian Philipp

I’ll keep the uid and gid bit on the stack.  I would disable the x bit
though.  Executables are lime in DIR_COLORS, overriding every other
colouring (e.g. red archive, green text and purple media files). *g*

I’m more concerned about the behaviour of automounters. And I faintly
remember some user-centric setting as to what the default chmod of new
files is, so I would have to do some chmod -R from time to time.
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