Tamer Higazi wrote:
> It's usually a quality power supply unit, that made it 6 years.
> However, what I find totally strange, at the same time. That
> applications die during my work.
> Totally strange, like "clock" dies, and restarts. Eclipse dies, firefox
> dies.....
> I have the feeling that memory and power supply are making me headache.
> windows died yesterday during installation of .NET SP 4.5 fixes.....
> The machine drives me nuts.... However, I am getting myself a new machine.
> Tamer

On a really really old system many years ago, I had random reboots, lock
ups and such.  I swapped P/S, memory and other components that I could
but it still did it.  I finally figured it had to be something hard
wired on the motherboard and just replaced the whole thing.  I figure a
controller chip or something was the problem. 

One thing about puters and random problems, they are hard to nail down. 
P/S and memory are a common problem but something bad on the mobo can
give the same symptoms.  Basically, you have to replace stuff until it
stops doing whatever it shouldn't be doing.  I have seen people have
enough parts to build a second rig short the case of course.  As always,
it is the last thing you replace and sometimes it can be the last thing
you CAN replace.  ;-)

Personally, I'd prefer one that doesn't work at all.  Tends to narrow it
down a lot.  If replacing the P/S don't fix it, time for a new build. 
It is dead.  For a 6 year old puter, I'd just have to try fixing it
tho.  I usually get at least 8 years out of a build. 


:-)  :-) 

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or how 
you interpreted my words!

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