On 20 May 2013, at 13:54, Tamer Higazi wrote:
>> Stupid question, but did you run emerge as root or with sudo?
> answer to stupid response:
> as a normal user you wouldn't be capable to merge anything.

I was reluctant to reply at first, but since you haven't had any other 
responses in the last 24 hours, may I suggest that you:

1) re-read the "stupid response" and look up any words you don't understand.

2) address the concerns raised by the "stupid question".

3) refrain from top-posting on this list.

I might be misinterpreting your reply, and I apologise if I'm wrong, but it 
appears hostile or dismissive.

It appears to me like you have not fully understood the question, and your 
response looks like you're berating staticsafe for asking it. 

The question is not actually stupid (although it may or may not isolate your 
problem in the end) - staticsafe merely asked in a modest manner. 

If others share my interpretation of your response (hostile, dismissive &c) 
then it might explain why no-one else has stepped forward to assist you.

Obviously no-one can be blamed for making an error in a foreign language. If 
this is the cause of our collective misunderstanding then I hope you'll forgive 
me for bringing it to your attention.


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