I ran into this today while installing Gentoo on my new machine. making executable: usr/lib64/preloadable_libintl.so .[33;01m * .[39;49;00mQA Notice: Missing soname symlink(s): .[33;01m * .[39;49;00m .[33;01m * .[39;49;00m usr/lib64/libgnuintl.so.8 -> preloadable_libintl.so .[33;01m * .[39;49;00m
https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=374545 was opened in July of 2011 (YES!!!). I don't want to bug the developers. My questions are... 1) does it cause any problems? 2) is the appropriate workaround to... cd /usr/lib64 ln -s preloadable_libintl.so libgnuintl.so.8 -- Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org> I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications