On Thursday 09 May 2013 15:36:28 Silvio Siefke wrote: > But what can do? All what they speak i follow, nothing change. The bug i > can not read, when use the link is empty. Can i install icu* 49, or what > should do now. The mistake is on Laptop and on Desktop.
It may have nothing to do with your problem, but have you run python- updater? I did that just now and it's rebuilding 16 packages, including PyQt4. Not the same as QtWebKit I know, but I'm clutching at straws now. Any time I suspect an inconsistency in my system I run python-updater, then perl-cleaner, then revdep-rebuild. It sometimes helps. I'm puzzled by the following, which I checked to compare with the import error you quoted: $ eix -c qtwebkit [I] dev-qt/qtwebkit (4.8.4(4){tbz2}@08/05/13): The WebKit module for the Qt toolkit $ equery f qtwebkit | grep '.so.' /usr/lib64/qt4/libQtWebKit.so.4 /usr/lib64/qt4/libQtWebKit.so.4.9 /usr/lib64/qt4/libQtWebKit.so.4.9.3 $ qfile /usr/lib64/qt4/libQtWebKit.so.4.9.3 dev-qt/qtwebkit (/usr/lib64/qt4/libQtWebKit.so.4.9.3) Why the mismatched version numbers, anyone? -- Peter