On 07/05/2013 16:49, Stroller wrote:
> On 6 May 2013, at 21:07, Randolph Maaßen wrote:
>> - When a file is deleted the file system marks the block device
>> sectors as free and sends the TRIM command to the SSD and the SSD
>> really frees the underlying cell / breaks the cell - section allocation.
> So if I'm writing a new filesystem, I have to make sure it make the TRIM
> systemcall, otherwise it'll break with SSDs?


SSDs work with or without TRIM.

They just work much better with TRIM: cell erasure happens at a
convenient time rather than right in the middle of the next write to the
cell (which is almost always going to be the worst possible time to do it)

> Is that the difference between SSDs and spinning magneto-platters?


Think about this.

1. make an fs and use it a bit.
2. trash the fs and mkfs it again
3. SSD stops working

Hmmm. Facepalm epic fail at spectacular proportions.

Did you ever see that happen anywhere ever? No?
That's because it doesn't work that way.

Alan McKinnon

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