On 07/05/2013 16:31, Tanstaafl wrote:
> Hi all,
> Ok, I've googled and can't figure this out...
> /etc/timezone is set to the correct timezone (EST5EDT)
> Date command says the server time is correct.
> Cron jobs run at the correct times.
> EMails generated by cron have a time one hour in the past.
> Looking at the email header shows the correct date/time stamps, but
> since Thunderbird by default uses the date/time header set by the
> client, it shows up as arriving an hour earlier than it actually did.
> Anyone?

In the absence of info config from you other than the timezone, I'd say
Daylight Savings.

Recent cronds do new things with DST and timezones, depending on various
factors described in man cron. Perhaps you fell afoul of that.

Alan McKinnon

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