On 04/05/2013 18:52, Tanstaafl wrote: > Ok, I have msmpt installed and working just fine. > > Now, all of a sudden, emerge -pvuDN world wants to install mailx. > > equery depends mailx says rkhunter is pulling it in via virtual/mailx > > Why isn't this dependency satisfied by the presence of msmtp? > > And more importantly, how can I fix it without installing mailx? > > Thanks, > > Charles >
Simplest answer: It was never done because nobody did it. Whoever maintains virtual/mailx does so believing they have a decent set of implementations available for you to use. There was never any guarantee there that all possible satisfiers for virtual/mailx would be listed. File a feature request at b.g.o. if you feel msmtp satsifies virtual/mailx. -- Alan McKinnon alan.mckin...@gmail.com