On Fri, Apr 26, 2013 at 3:55 AM, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> And you are vastly overstating the desirability of having pulseaudio
> enforced on users without very good cause
How much barefaced lying can you do in one sentence?
1) it's not enforced _on you_. USE=-pulse
2) bluetooth headset goes in, audio goes out is good cause.

> and seem to have
> underestimated how deep that rabbit hole goes.
No I haven't. I have no idea how deep the complexity of pulseaudio is
because I don't know how to use it. I don't know how to use it because
it just works. Somewhere, somehow at the back of these config files
there was some switch I turned on for some nefarious purpose of
enabling some plugin for switching default outputs. But if I compare
how well I learned to use grub vs pulseaudio, two things that I use
everyday, it's clear that one of them was more successful in hiding
the complexity from me before I used it successfully. HINT: it wasn't

> As others have stated, how many more such packages are there that can be
> argued to have them on a system? A good first grab would be the number
> of packages where the users are >=1% and <=99%
You can argue those packages if you wish and I guarantee you'll fail
99.9% of them. Because they don't serve the purpose of controlling

If you actually talk like it matters what the programs do, rather than
just making airy abstractions on what some ideal fetishized system
should be like, you'll understand things better.

> "It does no harm and might be useful for some" is simply not a valid
> reason to enforce a package on all users, especially when said package
> is the latest johnny-come-lately from a wunderkind with a proven
> reputation for writing invasive code[1]
Oh dear. I should've realized what this was really about. There aren't
really any technical reasons behind this, are there? Just some good
old fashioned Lennart hate boners.

I have a perfect halloween campfire story for this group. The one
where a malicious udev update gives a backdoor for He Who Must Not Be
Named to install his LennartWare onto yor systems...

Later guys.

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