Thanks for the responses so far...
Another question - are there any caveats as to which filesystem to use
for a mail server, for virtualized systems? Ir do the same
issues/questions apply (ie, does the fact that it is virtualized not
change anything)?
If there are none, I'm curious what others prefer.
I've been using reiserfs on my old mail server since it was first set up
(over 8 years ago). I have had no issues with it whatsoever, and even
had one scare with a bad UPS causing the system to experienc an unclean
shutdown - but it came back up, auto fsck'd, and there was no 'apparent'
data loss (this was a very long time ago, so if there had been any
serious problems, I'd have known about it long go).
I've been considering using XFS, but have never used it before.
So, anyway, opinions are welcome...
Thanks again