General thoughts when building a home gentoo workstation that you want
to last a _long_ time:
- Quality, durability, and flexibility of the motherboard, power
supply, and chassis are the most important items to focus on.   You
want a motherboard that is capable of lasting for 10yrs w/o problem,
so high quality electronics.  I've gone with Asus Workstation, Tyan,
and Gigabyte motherboards in the past. You also want to pay careful
attention to heating/cooling and power efficiency.
- Once you have the motherboard/chassis worked out, then decide on the
cpu.  Generally, get the best that you can afford and think about what
your needs are....are you doing lots of graphics, floating point work,
or just want a box that compiles fast, or is power efficiency your
thing?  Note that getting the intel extreme cpus is much more
expensive, but these are likely to be around longer if you ever need
to replace a failed cpu w/o making any changes to the
motherboard...and at least awhile back, the intel extreme cpus allowed
some overclocking/power management functionality that wasn't yet
released on the mainstream cpus.  I had a core duo fail a year
ago...(yes, core not core2) -- intel was no longer manufacturing any
of the cpus compatible with the motherboard, but the original extreme
rated cpus were still available for purchase on Amazon at a trivial
price point.

On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 1:35 AM, Tamer Higazi <> wrote:
> Hi João!
> Seems to be that the bulldozer and FX architecture is from GCC 4.6.3 up
> fully supported.
> Tamer
> Am 15.04.2013 16:47, schrieb João Matos:
>> Great discussion.
>> I'm in a similar situation. I'm using a core2duo for about 5 years, and
>> I think it is time to upgrade it.
>> But, after reading this, there are still to doubts:
>> 1) r the amd processors really fully supported? When I compile my kernel
>> (amd64), for instance, while looking for "Processor Type" there are 3
>> options for Intel and just one for AMD. Wouldn't it be kinda generic?
>> 2) durability: I'm kinda traumatized with AMD. Maybe I didn't have luck,
>> or Brazil is just too hot, but before I change to Intel, I had to buy a
>> computer a year: mobo problem, socket changed, then replace everything.
>> I'm very exited with the AMD advantages discussed here, but If it is to
>> last a year, I'm out.
>> Back then, when I used amd, I liked the performace and the price very
>> much. I found out about and came to
>> Gentoo just when I was looking for a optimized distro to my brand new
>> athlon64 processor - that lasted a year.
>> Thank you,
>> --
>> João de Matos
>> Linux User #461527
>> Graduado em Engenharia de Computação
>> UEFS - Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana

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