On 04/18/13 22:10, Michael Hampicke wrote:
Am 18.04.2013 15:33, schrieb Joseph:
What is going on with portage?
All the older packages are being removed and and some of them are not
even made stable.

I've masked current one app-text/poppler-0.22.2-r2 but looking at the
web-page this is not even stable poppler-0.22.3 is masked all across the
previous version are all removed.
All the packages that I recently try to roll back are gone, in most
cases only one is available so there is no option to roll back.

Am I missing something?

The version of poppler that you have masked ( 0.22.2-r2 ) is stable. So
it's not a portage screw up, the problem is more that you are trying to
install outdated software.

I'm not getting any were with this; looking blindly trying to install older versions hoping it might help This Gentoo portage + attic is not getting any easier it is not documented officially how to install and run it
and if I ask how to do it all I get is silly advice to google it up :-/

Maybe it is time for me to move to another distro.

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