On Apr 13, 2013 12:18 PM, "Nilesh Govindrajan" <m...@nileshgr.com> wrote:
> On Saturday 13 April 2013 10:39:08 AM IST, Kvothe Tech wrote:
>> Hash: SHA256
>> Tamer Higazi <th9...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi people!
>>> My old core2duo machine says slowly goodbye and I am at this lever
>>> after
>>> 7 years for buying myself a new developer machine, that should serve me
>>> well for a long time again. With intel I never had problems, all their
>>> systems were REALLY stable, and they were really worth their money up
>>> to
>>> the last cent.
>>> I am asking all the gentoo people for an advise, for it's opinion which
>>> cpu to buy, that would perfectly work with Gentoo, as well where all of
>>> it's future would be used-
>>> There are 3 choices:
>>> Intel Xeon E5-2650
>>> Core i7 3979 extreme edition
>>> AMD FX.8350 CPU
>>> for an advise, I would kindly thank you.
>>> Tamer
>> Xeon if its a server i7 if not but that's just me also depends what else
you have in it or want and what other than developing you're doing
>> - --
>> Sent from Kaiten Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
> IMO FX8350 would be better, especially if you're running long compile
jobs (include portage as a part of it).
> FX8350 outperforms i5 in various cases for the price point.

I myself prefer AMD CPUs to Intel ones.

Intel has this habit of 'segmenting' their processor features. E.g., Intel
VT-x (Intel's buggy implementation of AMD-V) is not available across the
board. If one needs to leverage VT-x for virtualization purposes, one must
be double sure that the CPU one bought supports VT-x.

All latest AMD CPUs (except the laptop versions) support all AMD features.
So, as long as one does not buy a laptop CPU, one can be sure that one gets
everything one wants from a modern CPU.


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