On Monday 01 Apr 2013 04:37:50 luis jure wrote:
> on 2013-03-31 at 23:05 Michael Mol wrote:
> > On 03/31/2013 10:00 PM, Philip Webb wrote:
> > > There was a good story in 'Guardian' :
> > >   http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/mar/29/cyberwar-spun-sho
> > >   ddy-journalism
> > 
> > The Gizmodo article that Guardian article lauds irritated the hell out
> > of me. [...]
> > Whether a chunk of Europe dropping offline qualifies as "breaking the
> > Internet" is an interesting question.
> i don't live in europe. i live in a small country in south america. i don't
> read the press and i don't have tv. i'm mostly uncontaminated by the
> debris produced by journalism.
> today i asked my girlfriend if she had also noted that the internet has
> been very slow for the last week or so. perhaps it was a problem with my
> connection. it was she who told me that the problem with the internet had
> been mentioned in the news (unlike me, she does watch tv and read the
> news).
> i'm glad for all the people who weren't affected. but whatever it was, i've
> been suffering the consequences. so i'm more than irritated by the
> assholes minimizing the problem, or treating this as "non-news".

I can't say I had noticed any slowness, more than the usual, but I did notice 
that I could no longer reach a number of websites, like this:


This lasted a day or two and coincided with this 'news' about DDoS, but I 
wasn't aware of it at the time.

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