On Wed, 27 Mar 2013 11:46:01 -0400
Tanstaafl <tansta...@libertytrek.org> wrote:

> On 2013-03-27 10:33 AM, Michael Mol <mike...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On 03/27/2013 10:25 AM, Tanstaafl wrote:
> >> Ok...
> >>
> >> So, what is this all about?
> >>
> >> Does all of this mean that udev is now going*completely*  away,
> >> *totally*  replaced by systemd?
> >>
> >> If so, has there been any kind of formal announcement about this
> >> *anywhere*??
> > Hold your horses.
> >
> > The devs will work something out; systemd is not replacing the udev
> > package for all users. For the moment, it's just replacing the udev
> > package for users using systemd.
> Thanks Michael, but that didn't *exactly* answer my question.
> I thought that newer versions of udev are now *dependent* on systemd? 
> Doesn't that mean that anyone who is using udev is also 'using'
> systemd?

udev is distributed as part of systemd, but it does not depend on
systemd.  It's possible to extract the udev part of the systemd tarball
and build only udev, which is how people are using udev with openrc
instead of systemd.

> So, again, my question is, is udev going to be going *completely*
> away in the future, being *totally replaced* by systemd? Or maybe
> better said asked as, will udev soon just be subsumed by systemd?

I don't think that's clear to anyone yet.  It's only guaranteed that
udev will serve the needs of systemd users, and opinions and hopes vary
about whether it will serve the needs of non-systemd users in the

Eventually, as I understand it, GNOME and KDE will require systemd
because they want full control of they system.  For people not using
GNOME or KDE, other init systems will still be possible, with either
udev or a udev alternative.  I have no idea how far away "eventually"
will be.

> Even if this is a year or more away, I'd like to know...

Me too.

# emerge crystal-ball
Calculating dependencies... done!

emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "crystal-ball".

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