For a long time I have had in make.conf EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--ask --deep --tree --verbose --jobs --load-average=5" MAKEOPTS="--jobs --load-average=5"
(for previous processors the 5 was 3). It seems that this configuration fails for several packages (or tickles bugs in their ebuilds/Makefiles). Lately whenever a build fails I change to MAKEOPTS="--jobs=1" and this very often "fixes" the problem. It is not clear that any time saved by having jobs=5 compensates for having to redo builds. So my question is do people 1. keep jobs=1 in MAKEOPTS 2. have jobs=n in MAKEOPTS but degrade on error as I do 3. have jobs=n and file bugs when it fails. thanks, allan PS I do not change EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS