On 2013-03-22, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 4:09 AM, Nuno Silva <nunojsi...@ist.utl.pt> wrote:
>> On 2013-03-22, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:
>>> On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 7:45 PM, João Matos <jaon...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi list,
>>>> do you know some guide to switch form systemd to openrc, or keep both? I
>>>> googled and I didn't find.
>>>> The motivation is that I'm studing many server stuff, and I'm tired of
>>>> search for alternatives to systemd (that is really good). I also
>>>> set up some
>>>> servers, using openrc on them, so, sometimes I like to reproduce the
>>>> configuration o my machine.
>>>> If possible, I prefer to keep both. If not, I'll switch back to openrc.
>>>> I've enable the openrc user flag, updated the system, I created a grub
>>>> entrace, and everything seems to work pretty well on openrc, but I cant
>>>> start the X. "no screens found", but dbus, udev and consolekit are started
>>>> without error.
>>>> Everything is working with systemd.
>>> For "server stuff", you should have no problem. If the machine where
>>> you want to have both systemd and OpenRC also works as a desktop
>>> workstation, right now that is not possible; there are several desktop
>>> packages that cannot decide at run time if they use systemd (actually,
>>> logind) or ConsoleKit (polkit being the most obvious).
>> Are these packages essential or the like? I don't think my desktop
>> systems have dependencies either on systemd or polkit/consolekit.
> If you don't need user session monitoring for anything (which is what
> ConsoleKit and logind provides), nor interactive privilege granting
> (which is what polkit provides), then I believe you will have no

Thanks. Now *that* is what I call explaining something in a nutshell :-)

> problems switching OpenRC and systemd withouth needing to recompile
> anything. However, that means no upower and no udisks at least; GNOME
> cannot run without any of those. XFCE needs them if the udev USE flag
> is enabled, which is enabled by default in Gentoo desktop profiles,
> and in KDE the three of them are optional dependencies turned on by
> default. You can turn them of in XFCE and KDE, but you kinda lose
> functionality without them.

I do indeed remember having to fight the KDE use flags so that I could
pull kdelibs without pulling the whole set of u* things someone decided
that were required for a desktop environment (the fun thing being that I
wasn't even using KDE as a DE).

But I hope you don't mean the GNOME *libs* will be requiring
logind/Consolekit/... in the near future? That would cause me some
trouble, as I rely on evince a lot.

>> What is logind used for?
> User session monitoring, as ConsoleKit did, only better:
> http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/logind
> Regards.

Nuno Silva (aka njsg)

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