130305 Henson Sturgill wrote: > I'm new to Gentoo, Welcome ! -- you should find this list friendly & useful.
> ... but really loving the amount of control it provides > I'm guessing all Gentoo-users are control freaks? We tend to build our own machines -- this is a good source of info -- & like to have them do what we want, not some lowest common denominator, but Gentoo is not about overclocking or neurotic fine-tuning. > During my initial install, I forgot to enable tmpfs > -- though it was clearly printed in the manual. Yes, always follow the manual & if necessary go back & do it again. > While looking for a solution, I saw countless forum posts > from users with the same "problem". Which makes me wonder. The Forum cb useful occasionally, but the noise/signal is far too high : it's the student cafeteria, whereas this is the staff common-room. > Why not patch the default config to have these items enabled? At this point, the answer is probably : "Patch it yourself". That's the Gentoo attitude : if you need advice how to, then ask here. > Is it a way to force users into reading documentation > and becoming more self sufficient, > or are we just trying to stay true to upstream developers? Probably partly both. -- ========================,,============================================ SUPPORT ___________//___, Philip Webb ELECTRIC /] [] [] [] [] []| Cities Centre, University of Toronto TRANSIT `-O----------O---' purslowatchassdotutorontodotca