On 04/03/2013 22:48, Yuri K. Shatroff wrote:
> Hello gentoo users,
> Today I updated my system, including fontconfig from 2.9.0 to the latest
> unstable 2.10.2, and after reboot I was quite unhappy to see all my
> fonts become ugly, well, can't describe exactly, kind of as if back in
> 1980s. (not that antialiasing disappeared or bad hinting, it was just
> the fonts being ugly -- a well antialiased, hi-res crap)
> I don't know the reason, but I don't think the problem was in the
> /etc/fonts/conf.d settings, at least I didn't notice major changes after
> the update (using diff). And all the stuff like lcdfilter remained enabled.
> I didn't have any special settings, neither in /etc/fonts/conf.d, nor in
> my home dir or elsewhere, because I really enjoyed the default rendering
> style.
> So after all I downgraded fontconfig and the fonts' rendering is
> restored and now I enjoy it again, so I deem the issue to be the problem
> of the fontconfig-2.10.2 package. Regardless of whether it's
> configuration- or library-related, with the latter more likely, one
> wouldn't like package updates to break existing setups.
> P.S. I've just thought it could be fonts cache which I noticed to
> contain entries as old as September, but if the new package can not work
> with old cache, I believe its ebuild should clear it, shouldn't it?

Well, it's probably not fontconfig, it's more likely the GUI software
you use that has issues.

fontconfig-2.10.2 is fine here with KDE-4.10 apps and most of Mozilla's

What GUI software do you run that has issues? And is it ALL apps, or
just a few you use often and might notice it more?

Alan McKinnon

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