Michael Mol writes:

> So, I botched the upgrade to udev-191. I thought I'd followed the
> steps, but I apparently only covered them for one machine, not both.


> Udev also complained about DEVTMPFS not being enabled in the
> kernel.[2]  I couldn't get into X, but I could log in via getty and a
> plain old vt, so I enabled it, rebuilt the kernel, installed it and
> rebooted...and now that's presumably covered.

Ran into the same problem, with my sister's PC. Which I had updated from
remote, so I did not see the elogs. I do not think it is correct
behaviour to continue building udev although the system wouldn't boot
with that kernel option missing. I would expect the udev ebuild to check
the running kernel for that option, and refuse to build until it has it
set. Or until building is forced by some USE flag or an environment

Had these things not been handled better in the past?


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