130201 Michael Hampicke wrote: > What about not using the local overlay > and simply do 'emerge --nodeps firefox' and see what happens? > Philip wants to find out if he can compile FF without alsa-lib. > To just test this case, 'emerge --nodeps ff' is perfect. > If he finds out that ff would infact compile without alsa-lib, > he could open a bug rebort at b.g.o to make alsa-lib optional > or for that matter, create a patched ebuild in his local overlay.
I did submit Bug 454330 with the result you can see : it looks as if the real problem is upstream & that the Gentoo developer had a hard time getting FF 17 to stabilise. I am not satisfied, but need to offer some effort of my own before I can reasonably re-open the bug or submit a bug to FF itself. I do feel very strongly that Gentoo should not force sound on anyone & that the issue is basic, not some personal preference. KDE requires a hook for sound, but not sound software itself, so users can compile 'USE="gstreamer" --nodeps media-sound/phonon', after which Kdelibs will emerge successfully. That's what's needed for Firefox. Thanks for all the replies : I will explore further & report back. -- ========================,,============================================ SUPPORT ___________//___, Philip Webb ELECTRIC /] [] [] [] [] []| Cities Centre, University of Toronto TRANSIT `-O----------O---' purslowatchassdotutorontodotca