Am 28.01.2013 22:27, schrieb Canek Peláez Valdés:
> On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 3:08 PM, Stefan G. Weichinger <> wrote:
>> Do I have to take special care of polkit/consolekit/pam/whatever?
> Yes, we had a long thread about that some months ago, around November.
> Basically, there is lots of stuff that break if you mix up consolekit
> and systemd (logind, actually). Maybe the situation has improved, but
> in my case the simplest solution was to purge consolekit from my
> systems (except in my media center, XBMC still uses its d-bus
> interfaces). ConsoleKit is unmantained anyway.

I removed consolekit already and I right now recompile all the packages
depending on it.

> I have USE="-consolekit" where necessary (basically gdm, pambase and
> bluez), and USE="systemd" everywhere else. Please note that some
> packages need to unmask the systemd flag:
> # cat /etc/portage/profile/package.use.mask
> media-sound/pulseaudio                        -systemd
> net-misc/networkmanager                       -systemd
> sys-auth/polkit                               -systemd
> sys-fs/udisks                         -systemd
> sys-power/upower                      -systemd

Followed that as well, thanks.

> I believe polkit is the most important, since it's the one controlling
> what program can do what, but since I switched completely to systemd
> years ago, I just use it everywhere. Things "just work"  most of the
> time.

The logs make me assume that pulseaudio/dbus/bluez drops me out of my
session ... although if I use xdm to login, things work fine.

No big deal, but gdm is nicer and it just should be possible to use it
correctly with systemd. I will dig further ...

>> Thanks, Stefan
>> ps: my bigger hurdle will be the bridging-setup for running
>> KVM-virtualization. This was one of the reasons to go back to openrc
>> back then.
> I have no experience with that, but if it works in OpenRC it should
> work in systemd. Probably better, even.

I don't think it won't work, I just wonder how to do it in the right and
most efficient way. I will think about that later/tomorrow maybe,
already late here ...

Best regards, Stefan

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