
On Thu, 24 Jan 2013 09:50:13 +0530
Nilesh Govindrajan <m...@nileshgr.com> wrote:

> Have a look at uwsgi. It can run pretty much anything.

Thanks i have do. I understand not why it not want run.

The configuration for uwsgi:

gentoo-mobile init.d # cat /etc/conf.d/uwsgi.pss | grep xml
# The path to your uWSGI xml config file.

gentoo-mobile init.d # cat /etc/uwsgi.d/pss.xml

gentoo-mobile init.d # cat /etc/nginx/sites/python_siefke.conf 
 listen 80;
 server_name  python.silviosiefke.de;
 access_log /var/www/python.silviosiefke.de/log/access_log main;
 error_log /var/www/python.silviosiefke.de/log/error_log info;
 index index.html;

 location / {
  include /etc/nginx/configuration/uwsgi_params; 
  uwsgi_pass unix:///tmp/python.siefke.sock;
  uwsgi_param UWSGI_CHDIR /var/www/python.silviosiefke.de/apps;
  uwsgi_param UWSGI_PYHOME /var/www/python.silviosiefke.de/apps;
  uwsgi_param UWSGI_SCRIPT index;
 location /static {
  alias /var/www/python.silviosiefke.de/htdocs;
  expires 7d;


When i want run in webbrowser python.silviosiefke.de i become 
uWSGI Error
Python application not found

gentoo-mobile init.d # ls /var/www/python.silviosiefke.de/apps/
index.py  index.pyc  static

Access Log: http://nopaste.info/8f9106d614.html
uWsgi Log: http://nopaste.info/8881d2f097.html

Has someone a idea? Thank you for help. 


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