Am 22.01.2013 19:43, schrieb Bruce Hill:
> On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 06:53:15PM +0100, Silvio Siefke wrote:
>> Hello,
>> i want ask some questions for the Kernel. 
>> How do I find dependencies of each option?

In menuconfig, when you open the help on an item, there is a line
"Depends on". If the requirement is not met, the option is not visible
but can be found by searching (press /).

There might also be a line "Selects" which contains automatically
activated dependencies and "Selected by" which contains the reverse

>> Are there patches for older computers?

Don't think so. If there is a regression, it should get fixed in the
main line kernel.

>> I use the good old Pentium 4 on the desktop and an atom on the laptop.
>> But I have often the problem when the computer has much to do, that the 
>> system freeze.

What kind of workload do we talk about? Properly "niced" and "ioniced"
compile jobs? Is the freeze temporary?

>> That's on the atom often so. The opera is my favorite 
>> Browser, but often the call on a website and the result end in freeze.

Odd. Maybe GPU related? Again, does the system recover?

>> What is really strange, when i run emerge --sync ; emerge -avuDN @world,
>> the Pentium 4 is faster as the Atom. Is that normal?

Doesn't surprise me. P4 and Atom are both horrible micro architectures.
But Atom is also horribly stripped down and has a lower clock frequency.

>> It were nice some can share the own expirence. The Kernel is so hard to 
>> understand, when take off a option, other option run not. I really not
>> know what i need and what need. 
> Please read "Linux Kernel in a Nutshell". You can:
> "emerge -av app-doc/linux-kernel-in-a-nutshell"
> and also read it online:


Florian Philipp

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