Volker Armin Hemmann <volkerarmin <at> googlemail.com> writes:
> btw, the solution is zfs and weekly scrub runs. I have similar concerns as Florian. What's the consensus (opinions) on btrfs? I'm building up several new system, with large video file archives. I was going to try BTRFS on the entire workstation. However, several comments here seem to suggest to make a partition for video using BTRFS and ext4 for the rest of the system ? I intend keep duplicates on another system, via rsync, until such time that BTFRS is stable by consensus. Bitrot (silent corruption?) is a concern for video that is to be mostly archived and only accessed once every few years: similar to the poster's original concern. Comments/guidance on ZFS vs BTFRS are welcome. I never used ZFS; googling suggests lots of disdain for ZFS ? Maybe someone knows a good article or wiki discussion where the various merits of the currently available file systems are presented? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ZFS James