2012/12/30 Nuno J. Silva <nunojsi...@ist.utl.pt> > On 2012-12-30, Francisco Ares wrote: > > > Hello All, > > > > ... > > Keep in mind that the support for videos in powerpoint presentations > will vary greatly across different powerpoint versions, windows versions > and even across different installs of the same versions. Even if you > manage to get a version of powerpoint to "like" the container and > codecs, it may not work on all computers. > > The AVI container has been used by windows for a long time, so I'd say > chances are that it will work on more systems, but I can't say for sure. > > > -- > Nuno Silva (aka njsg) > http://njsg.sdf-eu.org/ > > >
Thanks for the advice. I know that, have already been caught in that pitfall. That is why I always carry a free viewer of the same version as the one I build the presentation (sigh!!), a bunch of video codecs (K-Lite) and, in case everything fails, a portable VLC. If my colleagues would at least be kind enough to have OpenOffice installed on their machines also... Thanks again Francisco