On Tue, 25 Dec 2012 10:56:52 +0700 Pandu Poluan <pa...@poluan.info> wrote:
> In case you haven't noticed, since Windows 7 (or Vista, forget which) > Microsoft has even went the distance of splitting between C: > (analogous to /usr) and 'System Partition' (analogous to /). The boot > process is actually handled by the 100ish MB 'System Partition' > before being handed to C:. This will at least give SysAdmins a > fighting chance of recovering a botched maintenance. (Note: Said > behavior will only be visible if installing onto a clean hard disk. > If there are partitions left over from previous Windows installs, > Win7 will not create a separate 'System Partition') So, if Microsoft > saw the light, why does Red Hat sunk into darkness instead? I zone out of work-related stuff for three days to enjoy presents instead, and look what happens to the thread :-) I think I've said all I need to say on this matter, I'm not out to prove any point really and don't have a dog in this fight. I might not agree with how Lennart and RH are proceeding with implementation, but I do agree with the generally stated engineering problem at the core of the debate. I'm not sure about Microsoft's motivations in what you describe. My first reaction is that the Great Circle of IT Life is turning and MS are trying something new for them. Whether it's applicable to us here as an illustration remains to be seen - I know very little about Windows so can't even begin to draw sensible parallels. -- Alan McKinnon alan.mckin...@gmail.com