Mark Knecht wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Michael Mol <> wrote:
> <SNIP>
>>> 1) initramfs. It's not that hard
>>> 2) early mount script. It's not that hard.
>>> 3) modify your udev ebuild to install to /. It's not that hard.
>> If you'd read the thread (and/or related ones), you'd know he tried to go
>> the initrd route, and spent a solid week on the project. You're not talking
>> to someone who hasn't tried to tread the path.
> <hehe!>
> And while I have a initramfs external to 3.2.1 a kernel working on a
> RAID6 / system, my first attempt at building the initramfs into
> gentoo-sources-3.6.11 as per Neil's pointers resulted in the RAID6
> kicking one drive and not booting, so there is pain out there to be
> had. ;-) I'll post more in my thread about how I fix it and move
> forward later.
> Again, I don't really care about the pain - in a sick sense I sort of
> like it (more if it wore high heels...) - but I'm gonna learn this
> initramfs stuff and make it work because I suspect it's at least a
> good thing to know.
> It ain't only you Dale. I have (!)fun(!) with this stuff too... ;-)
> Cheers,
> Mark

Well, I have enough pain already.  I don't need my computer adding to
it.  Using something that I shouldn't need and certainly don't want to
use is not my first or second option. 

If I liked pain like that, I'd go break a leg or something.  :/ 

Just saying.


:-)  :-) 

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or how 
you interpreted my words!

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