On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 09:24:20AM -0500, Todd Goodman wrote:
> * Bruce Hill <da...@happypenguincomputers.com> [121225 18:30]:
> > > 
> > > Try reading the kernel Documentation.  (e.g.,
> > > /usr/src/linux/Documentation/filesystems/ramfs-rootfs-initramfs.txt.)
> > > 
> > > initramfs is an improvement over initrd.
> > > 
> > > Todd
> > 
> > Having read it years ago it still fails to give me a good reason for using 
> > it.
> It gives plenty of good reasons.
> If they aren't good for you then fine.
> But if you read it you wouldn't be asking why initrd went away and was
> replaced by initramfs.
> Todd

Actually I had not read it in quite a number of years, did this morning, and
you are entirely correct. Perhaps all those years ago when an initrd was
required at times, I'd just held onto my mkinitrd script and didn't want to
change; and since there's no need for an initrd now, I didn't actually read
it, but clung to incorrect memories.

Thanks for the rebuke. ;)
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