> From: nunojsi...@ist.utl.pt
> Subject: [gentoo-user] Re: Ram Problem!
> Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2012 17:32:54 +0200

> No surprise here, from what I can see, what's happening is that *emerge*
> is running out of memory, it's not a compilation, so -pipe or MAKEOPTS
> won't make any difference here. Are you, by any chance, running anything
> else on the machine, or maybe you forgot to enable the swap?

No, I am running a cli only liverescuecd. There is nothing that should take 
much swap.

> Even then, unless emerge has changed a lot in the last few years, I
> doubt you need that much memory to have emerge copy files to /. But
> check the output of "free -m" or something like that to check whether 1)
> there's something else using a lot of memory and 2) the swap is
> effectiely enabled.
Output of free -m:
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:           116         41         75          0          2         14
-/+ buffers/cache:         23         92
Swap:          486        153        332
> You can install the vanilla kernel, I think you can even use emerge for
> that, but I also think your problem here is with emerge running out of
> memory, not gentoo-sources being incompatible. I'd try to fix whatever
> the emerge issue is as it will probably prevent you from installing
> other packages, and that is effectively a major issue when you want to
> use the system.
That is my concern. If I get it working with a vanilla kernel, and then booting 
into the system,
emerge do not work, it was all wasted.

With best regards,
    - TheRedMood

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