On Tue, 18 Dec 2012 22:05:21 -0500
Michael Mol <mike...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > I don't use separate initr* files, the initramfs is built into the
> > kernel, using the latest versions of the tools installed at the
> > time the kernel was compiled. That gives a single bootable file
> > that, if it works now, should always work. Most changes to the
> > component packages do not affect the simple job they have to do to
> > get a system ready to run init.  
> Just because it runs, doesn't mean it "works." For example, let's say
> your network now requires an additional protocol for the host to
> operate properly. Or let's say there's a security vulnerability in
> some network-aware component in your initramfs. Or that some piece of
> automounter code is vulnerable to corrupted filesystems on flash
> drives.

To borrow your own term, all that falls fair and square under the
heading of "unforeseen operational requirements demanded it"

Things change, packagers and sysadmins must react.

Alan McKinnon

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