Hello. I usually use the following commands to clean distfiles and binary packages after an upgrade:
# eclean --destructive distfiles # eclean --destructive packages Now I'd like to add the --time-limit=1w option, in order to prevent recent files to be deleted. I think this would be useful for having time to properly test the system and rapidly reverting any problematic update. Or when you remove a program but you change idea some days later and you want it back. In man eclean it says: > don't delete files modified since <time> So eclean looks for modification time. In /usr/portage/packages files were last modified when they were last emerged. So this is OK. But in /usr/portage/distfiles files last modification time does not correspond to when they were last downloaded. So it could happen that you downloaded package X today, tried it, didn't like it, unmerged it, but since its sources may have a modification time more than 1 week ago it could be deleted by eclean. I have distfiles whose modification time is years in the past, although my system is just some days old. I wonder if there's some way to fix this, perhaps by telling Portage to update modification time for distfiles when they are fetched from servers. Or using some other option with eclean. Thank you.